Monday, June 22, 2015


Smoking is one habit that i find very common among men in various countries of the world. It is also becoming common among women and young ladies this days. This habit is a bad one which i think should be stopped by everyone. The reasons why i believe you should stop smoking are the ones i presented below:
1. Smoking is addictive:Once you develop the habit of smoking, you become used to the taste of the smoke and it becomes difficult for you to quit.I dont think this is good enough
2. Your children could also slide into this harmful habit: When children watch you smoking day-in-day out smoking, they are likely to assume that the habit is a good one which they could copy. Do you want your children to be addicted to smoking cigarette and other hard substances? The earlier you stop, the better for the whole family.
3. When you quit smoking, you avoid exposing your system to poisonous chemicals: Smoking is accompanied with dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, arsenic and benzene, which are potentially dangerous to human health. It is known that these chemicals could harm your blood vessels. Is it not wise to quit smoking?
4. Quitting smoking reduces blood pressure, leading to a reduction in the risk of a heart problem.
5. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of experiencing cholesterol plaque erosion which is harmful to your blood vessels.
By reading through these five reasons, i think it makes a lot of sense to quit smoking.
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