Monday, July 19, 2010

How to Lower the Risk of Enlarged Prostate using Nutritional Means

Are you losing your hair? Have you been spending lots of money to re-grow your hair? Keep everything you are doing aside now and read what I have written carefully as it will do you a lot of good. Hair is very vital to humans, as it provides a covering for our head. It also enhances the beauty of the human personality. Women generally spend a lot of money to take care of their hairs; and men spend a lot of money on hair restoration products annually. As a matter of fact, hair loss is one of the most dreaded conditions among humans. This article seeks to emphasize the fact that the food you eat play a role in the health of your hair. You may argue that male baldness is hereditary and there is nothing one can do about it. This is true to an extent, but the fact still remains that through good nutrition, your hair follicles can be properly nourished. Good nutrition will prevent the hair shafts from being weak. It will also prevent slow re-growth due to nutritional deficiencies. Below are such foods that can prevent hair loss or delay the onset of baldness in men:-
a. Vegetables and fruits:- These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamin C, for example assists in the synthesis of collagen, which is the connective tissue that gives structure to hair. Examples of food rich in vitamin c are citrus fruits, tomatoes, cauliflower and strawberries.
b. Whole grains:- Insulin resistance has been linked with male baldness. This is the result of some studies by scientists. The whole grain foods are important as they provide insoluble fiber, which is very useful in fighting insulin resistance. These whole grain foods also contain vitamin B6 and Folic acid which are important in ensuring a good supply of blood. This increased supply of blood enhances good distribution of oxygen that nourish the hair, thereby prolonging the useful life of the hair follicles.
c. Water:- It is commonly said that water is life. This is because a greater proportion of the body weight is made up of water. Water plays important roles in the body system. It is important for transportation of nutrients round the body and it helps to keep your hair strong and hydrated.
d. Lean meat:- Lean meats supply vitamin B6, B12, Biotin, zinc and iron. All these nutrients work together to prevent hair loss.
e. Diary products:- Keratin, which is an important component of hair, is found in diary products. Vitamin A is also found in milk.
When these foods are taken in adequate quantity, they would go a long way to prevent hair loss and baldness. For more useful health related articles, visit this blog regularly. Tell others about your experience too. Thanks

5 Foods That can Save You from Premature Baldness

Are you losing your hair? Have you been spending lots of money to re-grow your hair? Keep everything you are doing aside now and read what I have written carefully as it will do you a lot of good. Hair is very vital to humans, as it provides a covering for our head. It also enhances the beauty of the human personality. Women generally spend a lot of money to take care of their hairs; and men spend a lot of money on hair restoration products annually. As a matter of fact, hair loss is one of the most dreaded conditions among humans. This article seeks to emphasize the fact that the food you eat play a role in the health of your hair. You may argue that male baldness is hereditary and there is nothing one can do about it. This is true to an extent, but the fact still remains that through good nutrition, your hair follicles can be properly nourished. Good nutrition will prevent the hair shafts from being weak. It will also prevent slow re-growth due to nutritional deficiencies. Below are such foods that can prevent hair loss or delay the onset of baldness in men:-
a. Vegetables and fruits:- These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamin C, for example assists in the synthesis of collagen, which is the connective tissue that gives structure to hair. Examples of food rich in vitamin c are citrus fruits, tomatoes, cauliflower and strawberries.
b. Whole grains:- Insulin resistance has been linked with male baldness. This is the result of some studies by scientists. The whole grain foods are important as they provide insoluble fiber, which is very useful in fighting insulin resistance. These whole grain foods also contain vitamin B6 and Folic acid which are important in ensuring a good supply of blood. This increased supply of blood enhances good distribution of oxygen that nourish the hair, thereby prolonging the useful life of the hair follicles.
c. Water:- It is commonly said that water is life. This is because a greater proportion of the body weight is made up of water. Water plays important roles in the body system. It is important for transportation of nutrients round the body and it helps to keep your hair strong and hydrated.
d. Lean meat:- Lean meats supply vitamin B6, B12, Biotin, zinc and iron. All these nutrients work together to prevent hair loss.
e. Diary products:- Keratin, which is an important component of hair, is found in diary products. Vitamin A is also found in milk.
When these foods are taken in adequate quantity, they would go a long way to prevent hair loss and baldness. For more useful health related articles, visit this blog regularly. Thanks.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


For now there is no cure for sickle cell disease, except thorough divine healing. There are innumerable testimonies of how sickler children have been healed by God. This article aims at highlighting simple home remedies for managing the sickle cell crises.

The leaves of Telfaria occidentalis or fluted pumpkin are reputed to enhance the formation of healthy red blood cells. For this reason, it is commonly used in preparing simple home remedies for sicklers. Go here and read more articles on health related issues.

To prepare this home remedy, the leaves and vines of this vegetable are crushed or pounded in a mortar. A little quantity of water is added as the leaves are being pounded. After the pounding, it is strained to extract the water from the crushed leaves. This extracted water is mixed with milk or any nutritious drink such as maltina. The mixture is given to the sickler child to drink on regular basis. It may be repeated weekly. The parents would have to watch and make sure the child drinks the mixture. Tell someone about this article. Visit this blog regularly for articles of this kind.

In addition, the leaves of this vegetable are also used as vegetable in cooking soup along with other nourishing ingredients such as fish and meat.

The principle behind this treatment is that since red blood cells are rapidly destroyed in sicklers, there is a need to replace the cells as rapidly as they are destroyed. This preparation serves this purpose very well because this vegetable contains folic acid, which is good for blood formation while milk is a valuable source of vitamin B12, which prevents anemia.

It is known that the crises in sickle cell patients occur when the cells clump together and therefore not able to pass through blood vessels quickly. The child should be allowed to drink plenty of fluid all the time. This helps to keep the red blood cells free and thereby permit free flow of blood through any blood vessel.

Moreover, the child should be given folic acid and vitamin B-complex daily as this help to enhance the formation of healthy red blood cells. The child should never be exposed to extreme weather conditions such as low temperatures or any stressful exercises, which will lead to a high demand for oxygen, and he should be allowed sufficient rest

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The symptoms of the sickle cell disease may vary with individuals, but there are some signs that are common to the sickle cell patients. These common symptoms are presented below.

Periodic Episodes of Pain: It is common for sickle cell children to complain of pains in their legs, hands, etc. The pains are more common with the joints. These pains occur whenever the sickle cells block the free flow of blood to any organ. The frequency of these pains varies from one child to the other. Any stressful condition may trigger these pains or crises.
Swollen feet and hands: The toes and fingers of sicklers may become swollen. Pains may accompany these swellings. It may last for some days before the swelling subsides. The swelling and pain is due to the fact that the sickle cells cannot pass through tiny blood vessels easily. If you enjoy this article, tell someone about it and visit my blog for more articles.
Frequent bouts of infection: In children, the commonest is cough and malaria. Sicklers easily succumb to attack by malaria parasites. This is because the red blood cells are fragile and they are therefore easily destroyed by the malaria parasite, leaving the child anemic.
Anemia: Red blood cells of sickler children do not last long. They only live for about two to three weeks, thus there is need for frequent replacement of these cells. The sickler is therefore chronically and frequently short of enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to various parts of the body.
Stunted growth: Sickler children usually have stunted growth. Nutrients needed for growth are carried round the body through the blood. A shortage of healthy red blood cells can result in slow growth in children. Also, there are indications that nutrients are not fully utilized by the body of sicklers. This is partly responsible for the slow growth. It usually delays puberty in teenage children. These symptoms begin to manifest as from the fourth month after birth. Affected babies may not crawl or walk at the right time. Do you have friends who are sicklers? Refer them to this article and click here for more articles on health matters.
Impaired vision: There are research reports that some sicklers may have impaired vision. This is as a result of the blockage of the blood vessels which supply eyes with blood and nutrients. This leads to a damage of the retina of the eyes, leading to poor vision.

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Monday, March 15, 2010


Sickle cell anemia, which is also called sickle cell disease, is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells of affected individuals. It is common among people of African, Middle-East and Mediterranean descent. In Africa, where children are indispensable factor in a successful marriage, many women have lost their marriages as a result of the death of their children because of this blood disease.

There is a substance called hemoglobin, which is found in the red blood cells. Its primary function is to help red blood cells to transport oxygen from air in our lungs to all parts of the body. This hemoglobin is of two types i.e. A and S types. People with sickle cell disease have double dose of the S hemoglobin (SS), each of which they inherited from each of the two parents. As a result of this defect, their red blood cells are sickle shaped (that was how the disease got its name), and therefore have difficulty in passing through small vessels because they are stiff. Also, red blood cells containing mainly S hemoglobin do not live as long as those with A hemoglobin. On the average, such cells live for about two to three weeks, in contrast to the red blood cells that have A hemoglobin, which may live for as long as one hundred and twenty days before there is a need for replacement. In other words, the red blood cells need replacement too frequently in sickle cell disease patients. This is the reason why these individuals are frequently anemic. For now, there is no cure for the disease except through divine intervention.

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Friday, January 29, 2010


It is not out of place to say that the cost of living is increasing this day all over the world. This is particularly true in African countries where the sizes of families are fairly large, the populations are high and the per-capita income is very low. The economic recession all over the world tend to worsen household troubles. The challenge confronting every family now is how to use the small resources at their disposal to achieve maximum satisfaction without resulting to borrowing and debt.

The following tips will result in drastic reduction in family expenses while ensuring that maximum satisfaction is derived from every dollar spent:
1. Budgeting Family Expenses: Governments all over the world usually prepare a budget of the income and expenses for a whole year. If a government with almost unlimited resources could do this, nothing stops families from having a monthly budget of how they intend to spend their incomes. The major advantage of budgeting is that it helps the family to maintain focus and it thus ensure that family financial resources are optimally used.
2. Buying of Food and Other Household Items in Bulk: The practice of buying things in bulk has the advantage of reducing the unit price of the items purchased.
3. Avoiding Impulse or Spontaneous Purchases: The family resources should be concentrated on buying the absolutely necessary items while leaving out the ones that are not urgent or necessary. Efforts should be made to stay within the budget for the month.
4. Making Effort to spend less than the amount actually budgeted: In African countries, where majority of people are farmers, food items are usually cheaper during the harvesting season. These food items should be purchased at this time, which results in less expense.
5. Avoid wasting Food: With experience, one should be able to know the quantity of food that is enough for the household. The practice of cooking more food than necessary should be avoided, except if the excess can be re-used again.
6. Avoid Credit Purchases: From my own experience, buying things and paying cash is relatively cheaper on the long run. Therefore, buying in cash is more economical.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

3 Low Cost Strategies to Slow Down Aging Process

Aging is a natural process which is peculiar to all living things. This is very true of human beings, who are the highest of God's creation.

Studies show that aging is accelerated if we dont have enough nutrients required for healthy development of our body organs.This is the reason why our body organs tend to lose their functions with age. Various abuses such as drugs and too much sexual fulfilment can also speed up the aging process.

The following tips will reduce the speed at which one ages:

1. Eat the most nutritious food possible. There may also be need to take nutritional supplements to augument what is obtained from food.

2. Maintain a habit of rest: It is good to have time to rest, daily, weekly and annually.It is not a bad idea to travel on holiday for a change in evironment.

3. maintain a positive mental attitude: people who have a positive attitude towards life are likely to live longer than anyone with a negative attitude.

It is my belief that if these tips are implemented they will actually help us to renew our youth like the eagles, as promised in the Holy Bible.