Friday, November 20, 2009


Dear readers, a friend recently informed me that he saw eczema developing on his back. What are the causes of this condition and how can the eczema be removed from the skin? Your comments are welcomed. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Banana is a tropical fruit that is grown using suckers and water-shoot or bits. It matures between 18-24 months, depending on variety planted. Banana is greatly valued for its nutritional content.

The ripe fruit has a lot of potassium which is very good for people who exrcise a lot. Potassium is also known to be able to keep the blood pressure low. In diarrhoea patients, banana is very important as it helps to replace the nutrients that was lost. It also replaces the electrolytes which helps to maintain fluid balance and power the body.

An average sized banana fruit provides about 33mg of magnesium, 452 milligrams of potassium and a little over 2grammes of fibre, which is equally soluble and assist in lowering body cholesterol. The calorie content of banana is made up mainly of carbohydrates . As the fruit ripens, the sugar level rises while the starch level falls. For this reason the fruit is easier to digest the more ripe it becomes. The fruit is generally low in protein, though the amount of protein in the fruit is generally higher than the amount of fat. The vitamin C which is found in Banana helps the body to fight diseses and infections. This vitamin is also important for synthesis of connective tissues, iron absorption and the formation of blood. Banana also has vitamin B6 which assists in synthesis of antibodies in the immune system and also helps in blood formation and proper functioning of the nervous system.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

DO You Know That Good Food can make You Feel sexier?

Nutritionists generally believe that eating healthy foods which are rich in nutrients can actually make you feel and look sexier. This is because the nutrients keep your hair and skin healthy. Also eating good food while exercising regularly will make the body strong and fit.

Foods such as dairy products are rich in protein, which is good for beautiful skins and good hairs. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Eating an orange a day gives the body enough vitamin C which is needed. This vitamin makes the body beautiful by keeping the connective tissues strong, thus preventing wrinkling of the skin. Other foods that contribute to healthy skin and hairs are tomatoes, berries, walnut and oysters.


Inflammation can be defined as a localized reaction of tissue to infection, injury and irritation. They are easily identified by the pain they produce, swellings, red and coloration of the affected parts of the body. In addition affected areas are painful.

It is known that there are certain foods that can worsen inflammations in the body. Such foods should be avoided or their consumption reduced. For example, foods high in fats and sugar, and fast foods may increase inflammation. Processed meats such as hot dogs and sausages contain nitrites which can increase inflammation. Others such as soft drinks and candy which are high in sugar content can also increase inflammation. For excellent health therefore, the consumption of these food should be reduced or eliminated completely.