Friday, March 29, 2013


I got these facts from, which i want to share with my readers. These benefits are as follows:

1. They prevent cell damage: The sunflower seeds are able to lengthen the useful life of cells. This is because they contain selenium, which is a known enemy of cancer.

2. They contain bone-healthy minerals: Sunflower seeds have magnesium and copper in them. These mineral elements are goodfor bone development. The seeds also contain Vitamin E which helps to ease the pain of arthritis.

3.They keep you calm: The magnesium found in sunflower seeds sooths the nerves thus easing away stress, migraines and helping you relax

4. They bring a glow to your skin: Vitamin E in sunflower seeds combat UV rays and keeps your skin youthful.

5. They ease every conditions that are inflammatory in nature: Conditions such as joint pain, gastric ulcers, skin eruption, etc are eased. This is because the seeds contained antioxidants.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. God bless

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