Saturday, June 20, 2015


Depression is a very bad thing. It is a silent killer. It should be avoided as much as possible.How do you know that you are depressed? Ask yourself the following questions:
-Am i always tired or fatigued?
-Do i have problem falling sleep?
-When i wake up from sleep, do i feel refreshed?
-Do i have little interest in doing those things i normally enjoy?
-Do i feel sad or hopeless?
If you answer yes to some or all of these questions, it is obvious that you are depressed.
To be free from depression, take the following steps:
1. Be thankful all the time: Make up your mind to be thankful to God all the time. Always look for reasons to be thankful to God.
2. Control your thinking pattern: Stop thinking negatively. Always look at the brighter side of things
3. Socialize: Make new friends. Do not isolate yourself from friends and family members.
4. Develop new interests: You can decide to set new goals to learn a new language, to learn a new vocation, etc. These activities will shift your focus away from your worries and help you to overcome your troubles.
5. Pray to God: Learn to cast all your burdens upon God and learn to trust Him.
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